We recognise our role and seek to ensure equitable and fair remuneration and contracting within the arts. We aspire to the position that best practice should apply to remuneration and contracting of artists across all art forms and disciplines.
The standards of employment for actors and stage managers are underpinned by the Abbey and Equity House Agreement. This sets out standards in regards to terms and conditions of employment. All actors and stage managers receive a contract of employment, along with a copy of the staff handbook and related policies. We are committed to the wellbeing of all employees and provide a complimentary service for all with our Employee Assistance Programme. Our commitment is informed by our Diversity and Inclusion Policy and ensuring we are an equal opportunities employer.
When engagement of freelance staff for productions – primarily directors and designers across all disciplines – on a contract for service agreement, the Abbey Theatre works from a Rate Card (available on request) which shows minimum fees for shows on the Abbey and Peacock Stages as well as conditions around fees for remount and touring productions. All fees are subject to negotiation with the individual artists or their agent. In addition to the agreed minimum rate, the terms for travel, accommodation and per diem are as per the Abbey and Equity House Agreement.
To achieve our objective of creating great theatre in Ireland and internationally, and to grow our audiences, the Abbey Theatre needs to be responsive and flexible. These attributes will ensure that we are effective in attracting and supporting the best talent. We will foster an environment that creates and nurtures an inclusive culture among all artists and staff. This will, in turn, contribute to a sustainable theatre ecosystem in Ireland.