Abbey Production Involvement

Actor Helene A Doll's House 1975 (Peacock)
Actor Gravediggers, travellers, porters, romans… The Hard Life 1976 (Abbey)
Actor Female Figures Jack Be Nimble 1976 (Peacock)
Actor Old Man Jack Be Nimble 1976 (Peacock)
Actor Woman Our Town 1976 (Peacock)
Actor Rebecca Gibbs Our Town 1976 (Peacock)
Actor Old Man Jack Be Nimble 1976 (Peacock)
Actor Female Figures Jack Be Nimble 1976 (Peacock)
Actor Gravediggers, travellers, porters, romans… The Hard Life 1976 (Peacock)
Actor No-name All You Need is Love 1976 (Peacock)
Actor Evelyn End of Term 1976 (Peacock)
Actor Princess Nuala Manus and the Mighty Dragon 1976 (Peacock)
Actor Maeve The Old Lady Says No! - Originally titled 'Shadowdance' 1977 (Abbey)
Actor Maeve The Old Lady Says No! - Originally titled 'Shadowdance' 1977 (Abbey)
Actor The Cock Cock A Doodle Dandy 1977 (Abbey)
Actor The Cock Cock A Doodle Dandy 1977 (Abbey)
Actor Creena A Pagan Place 1977 (Abbey)
Actor Juliet Measure for Measure 1977 (Peacock)
Actor Salome Find the Lady 1977 (Peacock)
Actor Lulu Aisling Mhic Artain 1977 (Peacock)
Actor Lulu Aisling Mhic Artain 1977 (Peacock)
Actor Luidin O Lu Oisin 1977 (Peacock)
Actor Abigail Williams The Crucible 1978 (Abbey)
Actor Pong Rhymin' Simon 1978 (Peacock)
Actor Peg above all Petticoat Loose 1979 (Abbey)
Actor Peg above all Petticoat Loose 1979 (Abbey)
Actor Mary Sampson The Death of Humpty Dumpty 1979 (Abbey)
Actor Susan City Sugar 1979 (Peacock)
Reader Not applicable Reading 1979 (Peacock)
Actor Mary Sampson The Death of Humpty Dumpty 1979 (Peacock)
Actor Myra Open Ended Prescription 1979 (Peacock)
Actor Janet The Nightingale and not the Lark 1979 (Peacock)
Actor Janet The Nightingale and not the Lark 1979 (Peacock)
Actor Nora A'Tochair Seadna 1979 (Peacock)
Actor Minnie Powell The Shadow of a Gunman 1980 (Abbey)
Actor Minnie Powell The Shadow of a Gunman 1980 (Abbey)
Actor Minnie Powell The Shadow of a Gunman 1980 (Abbey)
Actor June Stanley The Man who came to Dinner 1980 (Abbey)
Actor Mamillius The Winter's Tale 1980 (Peacock)
Actor Perdita The Winter's Tale 1980 (Peacock)
Actor Women Riders to the Sea 1980 (Peacock)
Actor Imelda Lig Sinn I gCathu 1980 (Peacock)
Actor Children The Life of Galileo 1981 (Abbey)
Actor Sally All in Favour Said No! 1981 (Abbey)
Actor Sally All in Favour Said No! 1981 (Abbey)
Actor Minnie Powell The Shadow of a Gunman 1981 (Abbey)
Actor Sile Gaeilgeoiri 1981 (Peacock)
Actor Anne Hourican The Fiddler's House 1981 (Peacock)
Actor Minnie Powell The Shadow of a Gunman 1981 (Tour)
Actor Raina Petkoff Arms and the Man 1982 (Abbey)
Actor Rosemary The Factory Girls 1982 (Peacock)
Actor Ann Wilson The Hidden Curriculum 1982 (Peacock)
Actor Ann Wilson The Hidden Curriculum 1982 (Peacock)
Actor Melissa Lon Rinn an Chairn 1982 (Peacock)
Actor Rosemary The Factory Girls 1982 (Peacock)
Actor Wispy Yeukface the Yeuk and The Spotty Grousler 1982 (Peacock)
Actor Rosemary The Factory Girls 1982 (Tour)
Acting Manager Rosemary The Factory Girls 1982 (Tour)
Actor Rosemary The Factory Girls 1982 (Tour)
Actor Rosemary The Factory Girls 1982 (Tour)
Actor Rosemary The Factory Girls 1982 (Tour)
Actor Mrs Juno Overruled 1983 (Peacock)
Actor School Girl The Great Hunger 1983 (Peacock)
Actor Lizzie Berrill The End of the Beginning 1983 (Peacock)
Actor Musicians At The Hawk's Well 1984 (Peacock)
Actor Musicians The Cat and the Moon 1984 (Peacock)
Actor Musician The Dreaming of the Bones 1984 (Peacock)
Actor Patrick Gillane Kathleen ni Houlihan 1984 (Peacock)
Actor Female Yahoo The Bearded Lady 1984 (Peacock)
Actor Isabelle Ring Around the Moon 1986 (Abbey)